Section: A Simple, Face Value Understanding
of Prophetic Scriptures
The (1) Revelation (2) of
Jesus Christ, which (3) God gave (4) Him to show to His (5) bond-servants,
the things which must (6) shortly take place; and He sent and communicated
{it} (7) by His angel to His bond-servant (8) John,
1. The word revelation
comes from the Greek word apokalupsis, which means "revelation"
or "uncovering." Jesus Christ is being "uncovered."
The sense in which the Lord is being uncovered is that of eschatological
Judge. The judgeship of Jesus Christ was stipulated in John 5:27,
30, Acts 10:42 and 17:31. The book of Revelation is the fullest statement
on the Lords judgeship. The book answers why and how Jesus will
judge Israel, the church, the wicked and Satan.
2. Of = indicates that
this "uncovering" or "revelation" is from Jesus
3. God = the Father.
4. Him = The Father gives
the revelation to the Son (Jesus Christ). The reason the Father gives
the Son the revelation is so it can be shown to His bondservants.
5. Bondservants = Revelation
is written to bondservants (7 churches of chapter 2 and 3).
The Greek term for bondservant
is doulos. The term is used 14 times in the book of Revelation.
Three times, it is used literally (6:15; 13:16 and 19:18). Eleven
times, it is used metaphorically. Believers are not literally slaves.
It is a title of honor. A doulos often functioned as the agent of
his master, possessing a representative authority. Therefore, a bondservant
of the most High God is one who subordinates himself to God and lives
obediently before God in full dependency on God.
6. Things
which must shortly take place = is a Greek clause,
literally=what (it) is necessary to happen in short (soon).
This Greek
clause is often used by pretribulationists to support their argument
of imminency, but is this really the case? En tachei is the
debated phrase. The phrase can have two possible meanings: (1) that
the events depicted will happen in rapid-fire fashion. That
is, once the events begin to happen, they will occur very quickly;
or (2) that the events depicted can happen soon. That is, the
time of fulfillment will not extend beyond the normal, natural, customary
sense of soon.
The basic
question is this: Is John describing how the events will happen or
when the events will happen?
Those arguing
that John intends when the events will happen must overcome
a logical and theological problem. Given that 1900 years have passed
since John penned these words, soon would lose any historical impact
or meaning. There is only one biblical sense in which soon
could be used to represent 1900 years, and thats viewing "time"
from Gods so-called vantage point. However, nothing in the text
indicates that this is the case. Logically then, this conclusion is
weak at best.
for John to state that the events depicted in the Revelation will
happen soon, with reference to time, contradicts Matthew 24:36.
Matthew 24:36 states, "But of that day and hour no one knows,
not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."
Therefore, John could not say how soon the Lord might return or how
soon the events connected with His return might transpire unless God
gave him direct revelation.
The only logical
and theologically correct conclusion is to understand en tachei
as indicating how the events will occur. The events connected with
the Lords return will happen quickly. Matthew 24 indicates that
they will happen in less than a three and a half-year period.
7. By His
angel = Literally, the Greek says, "by the angel of Him."
By the use of the definite article, John indicates that this is a
very specific angel. This is the first angelic figure mentioned in
the Revelation. We are not given his name. By designating, this angel
as the angel in the Greek, Johns audience must have known
the identity of this angel. The particular Greek construction demands
this conclusion. Revelation 22:6 restates the fact that the Lords
angel communicated the Revelation to John. It is important to understand
that the chain of communication is not broken. The Father gave the
revelation to His Son, who gave it to His angel, who gave it to John
who wrote it down for the bondservants.
8. John =
the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 13:23, 19:26), writer of the Gospel
of John and three epistles.
(1) who bore witness to (2a)
the word of God and to (2b) the testimony of Jesus Christ, {even} (3)
to all that he saw.
1. Who bore witness = John
(the apostle whom Jesus loved), bore witness. The Greek verb "to
witness" is only used here and in Rev. 22:16, 18, 20. However,
it is one of the New Testaments favorite verbs for the proclamation
of the Gospel (Acts 10:42, 18:5, 20:21, and Ephesians 4:17). John
identifies himself by the two messages he proclaimed.
2a. To the word of God
= occurs five times in the Revelation (1:2, 9; 6:9; 19:13; 20:4).
The word of God is either the name of Jesus (Rev. 19:13) or the cause
of persecution for the righteous (1:9; 6:9; 20:4). The word of God
is the direct prophetic communication from God. Thus, John is stating
that what follows in the book of Revelation came straight from God
the Father.
2b. To the testimony of
Jesus = occurs five times (1:2, 9; 12:17; 19:10; 20:4). The Greek
language uses the word and with the meaning of "even."
Here John indicates that he proclaimed the word of God, even "the
testimony by Jesus." By this second phrase (the testimony of
Jesus), John further defines "the word of God." In order
words, what John proclaims is what God the Father gave Jesus Christ
to show to His bondservants. John writes what God said and Jesus proclaimed
through His angel.
3. To all that he saw =
In the New American Standard Bible, the word "even" appears.
It appears in Italics because it does not appear in the Greek manuscripts.
The translators, placing it as a commentary insert in the translation,
help the reader understand that the phrase "to all that he saw"
further explains "the testimony of Jesus." John declares
that he saw all that Jesus revealed, which He (Jesus) received from
the Father. What John does in verse 2 is state for the record that
what is recorded in the Revelation is exactly what God the Father
wanted to the last word.
(1) Blessed is he who reads
and (2) those who hear the words of the (3) prophecy, and heed the things
which are written in it; for the time is (4) near.
1. Blessed
reads =
This is the first of seven beatitudes in the Revelation (1:3; 14:13;
16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7, 14). John first indicates that the person
who reads the book aloud is blessed. The seven churches would have
used this format when they first received the letter from John. There
would be one copy, which the synagogue leader would read. Scripture
commands the public reading of the word of God (1 Tim 4:13).
2. Those
= Not only is the public reader blessed, but so is the hearer and
doer. The original Greek indicates that one must be both a hearer
and a doer in order to be blessed.
Because Jesus Christ comes as Judge of all the earth, those who hear
and heed the message will be blessed. But those who do not hear and
heed will suffer. The only exception is the one third part of Israel
that suffers, but survives Daniels 70th Week and is then saved
and goes into the millennial kingdom on earth (Dan. 9:24; Romans 11:25-26).
3. Prophecy = While the
Revelation is apocalyptic in nature, it is primarily prophetic. This
is Johns designation for the Revelation by Jesus Christprophecy.
The reader at this point must make a hermeneutical decision concerning
the interpretation of Gods revelation of His Son. The apocalyptic
nature of the book must not over shadow the fact that this is a prophecy.
The highly figurative nature of the book does not mean that the literal
referent cannot be known. Neither are we free to guess the literal
referent. Daniel 7 provides the hermeneutical example for how the
book is to be interpreted. We will look at this matter later.
4. Near = eggus (Greek
adverb) It can describe time or space. The fact that
eggus is used with kairos (time), a technical eschatological
term that refers to that time when the kingdom will come, means John
is using eggus in a spatial sense. John does not indicate that
he has personal knowledge of the exact date of the arrival of the
kingdom. Therefore, he could not state whether the kingdom was soon
to come or not. Rather, the kingdom is the next event on the agenda
of God for the faithful believer. How much time will elapse before
the kingdom comes is not known? John uses the uncertainty to motivate
his audience to hear and heed the prophecy.
Peters sermon on
the day of Pentecost indicated that the coming of the Holy Spirit
is a mark of the "last days." We are presently living in
the "last days." Thus, the literal physical reign (kingdom)
of God is the next event on the agenda of God. It is near.
(1) John to the (2) seven
churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from (3) Him who
is and who was and who is to come; and from the (4) seven Spirits who
are before His throne;
1. John = Like most NT
letters, Revelation opens with a prescript with three components.
Who the author is comes first, in this case John (the apostle whom
Jesus loved).
2. Seven churches = the
second component of the prescript is the recipient. Asia had more
than seven churches, but these provide an overview of the condition
of the church both during the time of John and in the end times.
The number seven is a favorite of the Revelation. There are 19 explicit
groups of seven and several implied groupings:
Explicit Groups:
a. Churches (1:4, 11, 20)
b. Spirits (1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6)
c. Candlesticks (1:12, 13, 20: 2:1)
d. Stars (1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1)
e. Lamps (4:5)
f. Seals (5:1; 5:5)
g. Horns (5:6)
h. Eyes (5:6)
i. Angels who stand before God (8:2, 6)
j. Trumpets (8:2, 6)
k. Thunders (10:3, 4)
l. Thousand (seven thousand people killed) (11:13)
m. Heads (12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 9)
n. Crowns (12:3)
o. Angels (15:1, 6, 7, 8; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9)
p. Plagues (15:1, 6, 8; 21:9)
q. Vials (15:7; 17:1; 21:9)
r. Mountains (17:9)
s. Kings (17:10, 11)
Implied Groups:
a. Beatitudes (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14)
b. Antichrists contract (11:3; 12:6, 14; 13:5)
c. "I ams" of Christ (1:8, 11, 18; 21:6; 22:13, 16)
d. Doxologies in heaven (4:9-11; 5:8-13; 7:9-12; 11:16-18; 14:2, 3;
15:2-4; 19:1-6)
e. Every tribe, and tongue, and people and nation (5:9; 7:9; 10:11;
11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:5)
f. The Lord God Almighty (1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 19:6; 21:22)
g. The One who sits on the throne (5:1, 7, 13; 6:16; 7:15; 21:5)
h. The Alpha and the Omega (1:8, 17; 21:6; 22:13)
i. Prophecy (1:3; 11:6; 19:10; 22:7, 10, 18, 19)
The obvious question is
this: what is the significance of the number seven in the book of
Revelation. First, clearly, the number seven is a structural indicator
in the Revelation. Seven seals, trumpets and vials set forth a sequential
structure to the book. Second, "the frequent repetition of the
numbers underscore the notion that nothing is random or coincidental."
(Aune, The Book of Revelation, 63) Given the past, present,
and a future reality, to which the number seven refers, God has sovereignly
overseen the complete process. Third, seven is the number of completion
"as we gather from countless passages of the Old Testament."
(Swete, Commentary on Revelation, cxxxvi) Sevens mark the life
of a Jewish person. The Sabbath, the feasts, the Sabbath year, days
of the week, the days of creation and days to cleanse oneself and
much more marked the Jewish way of life.
3. Him
seven Spirits
= the third component of the prescript is the salutation. It contains
a well-wish and the source of the well-wish. This well-wish is the
most distinctive well-wish in all of Scripture.
Him who is and who was
and who is to come = God the Father (Isaiah 41:4; Heb. 13:8; Rev.
1:8, 17; 4:8; 16:5).
4. Seven Spirits who are
before His throne = There is significant debate concerning whether
the Holy Spirit or angels is intended by John.
Those who support Holy
Spirit as the seven spirits argue:
(1) Isaiah 11:2-3 describes seven benefits of the Spirit in the Septuagint
(2) Revelation 1:4 seems to be focusing on a trinitarian representation
of the Godhead.
(3) Zechariah 4 indicates that seven lamps represent the "eyes
of the Lord" throughout the earth. This is connected with the
Spirit (Zech. 4:6).
(4) "Seven spirits" expresses the Spirits perfection.
This idea is derived from the symbolic use of the number seven to
denote completeness.
(5) Angelic beings would not be included among the Divine greeters.
(6) Christ holds the seven spirits, which follows the defined relationship
of the Holy Spirit to God the Father and the Son in the New Testament
(Rom. 8:9, John 15:26).
Those who support an angelic
(1) The term spirit is used in the New Testament to refer to angels.
(2) The seven spirits are before the throne of God, which suggests
a position of subordination, which would be inappropriate for the
Holy Spirit.
(3) Angels are given a very prominent place in the Revelation throughout.
(4) Luke 9:26 and 1 Tim. 5:21 place angelic beings in positions of
honor equal to that of the Father and the Son.
(5) Jesus Christ is never mentioned in trinitarian type passages following
the Holy Spirit. The order is always God the father, God the Son and
God the Spirit.
There is not enough evidence
to be dogmatic either way. However, we support angelic beings because
there is not one example of the Holy Spirit greeting believers as
a part of a salutation in all of the New Testament.
and from (1) Jesus Christ,
(2) the faithful witness, (3) the first-born of the dead, and the (4)
ruler of the kings of the earth.
1. Jesus Christ = the third
well-wisher indicated by John and described with three important phrases.
2. The faithful witness
= the one who has shown his testimony through death. Therefore, Jesus
is faithful in His communication of the Revelation.
3. The first-born of the
dead = Jesus is the first member of a new people who have triumphed
over death, (1 Cor. 15:23).
4. Ruler of the kings of
the earth = depicts the Lords universal sovereignty.
John presents Jesus as the One whose death, resurrection and exaltation
is sure.
(1) To Him who loves us,
and released us from our sins by His blood, and He has made (2) us {to
be} (3) a kingdom, priests to His God and Father; to Him {be} the glory
and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1. To Him = Revelation
5b-6 is a doxology to Jesus Christ. A doxology is a short Christian
poem that ascribes glory to God the Father. Here, Jesus is ascribed
glory because of His salvific deeds for the elect of God.
2. Us = those who follow
the Lord, His elect, both Jew and Gentile (John 10:1b and Gal. 3:29).
Since John identified himself as a bond-servant, the "us"
is a reference to all bond-servants.
3. A kingdom = Parallel
Scripture confirms that we (the elect of God) are a kingdom. We are
now a kingdom, not going to be a kingdom (Rev. 5:9-10; Acts 26:18;
John 18:36; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9 (aliens); Col. 1:13).
This doxology expresses
a great truth: because Jesus loved us, he freed us, which enabled
Him to make us a kingdom.
Behold, He is (1) coming
with the (2) clouds, and (3) every eye will see Him, (4) even those
who pierced Him; and (5) all the tribes of the earth will mourn over
Him. Even so. Amen.
1. The first explicit prophecy
of the book = coming (verb=erchomai); coming from one point
to another. No explicit reference is given concerning what the Lords
destination is.
2. Clouds = associated
with the Lords return in Acts 1:9-11, I Thessalonians 4:17,
and Matthew 24:30. This is the first indirect reference to the book
of Daniel in the Revelation. Daniel 7:13-14 provides the backdrop
for the return of the Son of Man. The Revelation presents a detailed
exposition of Daniel 7. We shall discuss this in detail later.
3. Every eye = universalistic
(both Jews and Gentiles as indicated by the phrase "those who
pierced Him.")
4. Those who pierced Him
= Israel and Romans - Acts 7:51-52; John 19:31, 37; ca. Zechariah
5. All the tribes of the
earth will mourn over Him = refers to mourning out of despair at the
return of Christ by the wicked. This is the sense of Matthew 24:30.
While some would argue
that Revelation 1:7 is a reference to the Lords return at Armageddon,
a closer examination supports the parousia of Christ. This is when
He gathers His church to heaven and begins to punish the wicked on
earth with His Day of the Lords wrath. John uses the future
tense to refer to the mourning of the wicked, i.e. they will mourn.
John indicates that the wicked begin to mourn when the Lord is seen
coming with the clouds and not before. Question: wouldnt the
wicked have already experienced Gods wrath in the form of the
trumpets and bowl judgments if this were an Armageddon return? It
is inconceivable that the wicked have experienced the wrath of God
before the Lords return at Armageddon, but have not mourned.
The only indication in the book of Revelation of the wicked mourning
occurs in Revelation 6:15-17, which depicts the beginning of the Day
of the Lord. (See later discussion on Revelation 6:12-17.) John indicates
that the response of the wicked to the trumpet and bowl judgments
is either a lack of repentance or men blasphemed God, but no mourning.
(1) "I am the Alpha
and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and
who is to come, the Almighty."
1. The use of the phrase,
"who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" has
led to a debate. Is God the Father or God the Son referred to in verse
8? In the parallel passages of Rev. 1:17; 21:6; 22:1, Christ is equated
with Almighty God. Yet, the Father is consistently identified with
the same titles. Trying to decide which member of the Godhead is identified
in verse 8 is impossible. It is as if both members are speaking at
the same time. This may be closer to the truth John intends. This
prophecy stands as the unanimous consent of God the Father and God
the Son.
I, John, your brother and
fellow partaker in the (1) tribulation and (2) kingdom and (3) perseverance
{which are} in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos, because (4) of
the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
1. Tribulation (thlipsis)
= same Greek word used in the phrase "great tribulation"
- Matt. 24:21; (John 16:33; Matt. 24:29; Acts 14:22; Rev. 2:22, 7:14.)
Interestingly, the definite article is used. In other words, the
tribulation is Johns focus. Not the great tribulation,
but the tribulation that is consistently connected with Jesus
Christ (Col. 1:24).
2. Kingdom = the millennial
kingdom spoken of in Revelation 20. See Luke 12:32, 22:29; 1 Thessalonians
2:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:5; James 2:5.
3. Perseverance (pierasmos)
- putting to a test, ca. Rev. 3:10; 13:10; 14:11-12 (2:2-3). Perseverance
is the true mark of a believer in the face of tribulation (Matt. 13:21).
As Jesus persevered, we too follow Him.
4. Because of the Word
of God and the testimony of Jesus = John explains the reason he came
to be on the island of Patmos. See Revelation 1:2 above.
I was (1) in the Spirit (2)
on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a (3) loud voice (4) like {the
sound} of a trumpet,
1. In the Spirit = This
phrase occurs four times in the Revelation (1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10).
This phrase "is an idiom that refers to the fact that Johns
revelatory experience took place not "in the body" but rather
"in the spirit," i.e., in a vision trance
" (Aune,
Revelation 1-5, p. 83)
2. On the Lords day
= Sunday
3. A loud voice = This
noun phrase is used twenty-two times in Revelation and is compared
to the blast of a trumpet, the sound of thunder, and sound of roaring
water. In each case, a divine being or angelic being is delivering
a significant message. Compare 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
4. Like a trumpet = is
a figure of speech (simile). It is used to compare two things in a
specific way. The voice and the blast of a trumpet are alike. The
emphasis is on the loudness of the voice. Compare 1 Thessalonians
saying, (1) "Write in
a book what you see, and send {it} to the seven churches: to Ephesus
and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia
and to Laodicea."
1. The loud voice instructs
John to write what he sees in a book.
1:12 13a
And I turned to see the voice
that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands;
and in the middle of the lampstands (1) one like a son of man,
1. One like a son of man
= This phrase also appears in Daniel 7:13 and 10:16. The description
that follows and that appears in Daniel 10:5-6 would suggest that
the same person is representedthe Messiah.
The phrase "Son of
Man" is Jesus favorite self-designation. All agree that
it is taken from Daniel 7:13-14. However, there is little agreement
concerning its precise meaning and significance. Like a son of
man is unique to the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. The
phrase Son of Man appears 80 plus times in the New Testament.
In the gospel of John, Son of Man occurs 10 times. In Johns
gospel, Morris indicates four plus issues of concern (Morris, The
Gospel According to John, p. 172-173):
A. Jesus used the term
because of its lack of political complications.
B. Jesus used the term because of its divinity overtones.
C. Jesus used the term because of its connections with a future kingdom.
D. Jesus used the term because of its human undertones.
Morris adds, "Here
[in Johns Gospel] the term is always associated either with
Christs heavenly glory or with the salvation He came to bring
(Morris, John, p. 173)." As the go-between heaven and earth,
Jesus is the unique one invested with authority. That John uses it
to describe what he sees is important. Johns understanding of
the term is informed by both Daniel 7:13-14 and the Lords usage
while on earth. Jesus states in John 5:27, "and He [God the Father]
gave Him [Jesus] authority to execute judgment, because He is [a]
Son of Man." Luke 5:24 states, "But, so that you [Scribes
and Pharisees] may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth
to forgive sins
" The Son of Man is one with authority:
(1) to forgive sins, or (2) to judge sins.
As a son of man (human),
the Lord is clearly able to judge humanity. Any argument that Gods
judgments are unfair because He cannot understand the impact of sin
on mans ability to chose righteousness is silenced. Christ became
a man, experienced "every" aspect of sin, but sinned not.
He is an experientially qualified judge.
Having heard the voice
behind him, John turns and immediately designates the person speaking
as one like a son of man. All that Scriptures indicates about
this person is to inform our understanding at this point.
clothed in a robe reaching
to the feet, and girded across His breast with a golden girdle. And
His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His
eyes were like a flame of fire; and His feet {were} like burnished bronze,
when it has been caused to glow in a furnace, and His voice {was} like
the sound of many waters. And in His right hand He held seven stars;
and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was
like the sun shining in its strength.
Notice the similarities
between Revelation 1:13b-16 and Daniel 10:5-6:
Robe reached down to His feet
Chest girded with a golden sash
Head and hair white like wool, snow
Eyes like flame of fire
Feet like burnished bronze
Voice like many waters
Mouth give words like sword
Face like sun shining in its strength
Dressed in linen
Waist girded with pure gold of Uphaz
Face like lightning
Eyes like flaming torches
Arms and feet like polished bronze
Words sound like roaring
Body like beryl
That same person who appeared
to Daniel is the same person who appeared to John in the context of
an angelic being, communicating prophetic truth about the end times,
is confirmed. In both cases, He is called One like a son of man.
This forms an important connection between the book of Daniel and
the Revelation.
The heavenly being that
appears in Daniel 10:2-9 and speaks words is not the same heavenly
being that appears in Daniel 10:10-18. The pre-incarnate Christ is
the first heavenly being described. However, the vision and words
of the first speaker ends at Daniel 10:9.
The second heavenly being
is most likely a "strong angel." The second heavenly being
states in Daniel 10:13 that Michael is a chief prince of which there
are others. Daniel 10:21 indicates that this heavenly being "stands
firmly." This is the key to his identity. The Hebrew says literal,
"shows himself strong." The word literally means "to
be/become strong." This heavenly being and Michael are "strong
angels." In the Revelation, strong angels are encountered again
in their primary function, which is the proclamation of revelation
(Rev 5:2; 10:1; 18:21).
And when I saw Him, (1) I
fell at His feet as a dead man. And He laid His right hand upon me,
saying, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last,
1. I fell at His feet as
a dead man = Johns response at encountering the Son of God is
similar to that of Daniel (10:9).
and the living One; and I
was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of
death and of Hades.
"Write therefore (1)
the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things
which shall take place after these things.
1. A possible key to understanding
the composition of the book of Revelation.
The things...have seen
=> Christ the revelator in chapter one.
The things...are => seven churches in chapter two and three.
The things...shall take place...=> in chapters 4-22
However, this outline is
overly simplistic and has very little exegetical support. This is
particularly the case when one realizes that there is no time difference
between the vision of Christ in chapter one of the Revelation and
the events of chapters two and three.
2. One must be careful
at this point not to push the significance of this outline too far.
The significance of the relationship of the church to Revelation 4-22
cannot be determined simply by recognizing the absence of the term
church from these critical chapters. The absence of the term
church from the Old Testament certainly does not mean that
there is no applicable value for the church in the Old Testament.
As for the (1) mystery of
the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden
lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and
the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
1. Mystery = Musterion
occurs four times in the Revelation (1:20; 10:7; 17:5,7). Anything
spoken of as a mystery in the Bible requires divine insight.
The correct interpretation necessitated help from God.
2. Great care should be
given to the text of Scripture at this point. Hermeneutically, the
Bible offers insight into how meaning is discovered in the text. Clearly,
the correct interpretation of the text is not far-fetched. As stars
represent angels and lampstands represent churches allegorically,
we see an unsophisticated method. That the text explains the meaning
of the stars and lampstands suggests that when no explanation
is given the solution will be simple and uncomplicated. We shall speak
to this issue repeatedly thoroughout this commentary.
Section: Chapter Two - The Seven Churches, Part 1