Section: Chapter One - Prologue
With the conclusion of the
introductory matters of chapter one, John begins his presentation. The
seven churches identified in Revelation 1:11 are specifically addressed.
Each receives a description of its present condition with a necessary
warning and a call to the overcomers to persevere. Of the seven churches,
four demonstrate a spirit of compromise Ephesus, Pergamum, Thyatira,
and Laodicea. The church at Sardis is dead and the churches at Smyrna
and Philadelphia are presented as the faithful churches. Smyrna is the
physically persecuted church and Philadelphia is the physically protected
With two thousand years separating
the seven churches of Asia and the modern churches of the world, the
question of relevance is critical. What is the relationship between
the seven churches mentioned in Revelation and modern churches? Some
commentators have tried to make the case that the seven churches of
Revelation depicts seven periods of church history. This view is woefully
inadequate. First, there is no explicit scriptural support for this
view. Second, the seven periods of church history must be subjectively
determined, which undermines credibility and fosters date setting. Third,
such an approach deprives the first-century churches of any application
for their time.
However, the messages, themselves,
yield the necessary clues to answer the question of relevancy. For believers
of all ages, the issue is the same in connection with the Son of Man:
forgiveness or judgment. The Lord instructs six of the seven churches
that there are both immediate and long-term consequences to their deeds.
The threat of immediate discipline for a lack of repentance is given
to the churches of Ephesus, Pergamum, Thyatira, and Laodicea. Equally,
each church is also warned about the possible rewards and punishments
to be experienced at the Lords coming (parousia). This
indicates that the messages to the seven churches have both a "near"
application and a "far" application--both a temporal and an
eternal application. The fact that each message ends with the same trademark:
" He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,"
is compelling. That the term church is plural extends the message
and application to the church universal. Believers in two thousand AD
can claim the same promises and fear the same warnings.
Henry M. Morris, in his commentary,
The Revelation Record, indicates that each church receives a
message composed of seven parts: (1) salutation; (2) identification
of Christ as the sender; (3) assertion of knowledge; (4) comment and exhortation;
(5) promise (or threatened) coming; (6) admonition to heed; and (7)
promised blessing.
Revelation 2:1
(1) "To the angel of
the (2) church in Ephesus writes: The (3a) One who holds the seven stars
in His right hand, the (3b) One who walks among the seven golden lampstands,
says this:
1. Salutation = angel (supernatural
2. Church in Ephesus =
written to the church in the city of Ephesus, not the city of Ephesus
itself. This is a compromised church.
3. Identification of Christ
as sender = sovereignty and intimacy
a. One who holds the seven stars in His right hand refers back
to Revelation 1:16 and 20. The right hand represents the position
of power, authority, and safety. Jesus has sovereign oversight of
His churches. He is able to command their obedience and to discipline
them appropriately if they do not. Standing in the midst of the churches,
the Lord can easily move them out of their place.
b. One who walks among the seven golden lampstands refers back
to Revelation 1:13 and 20. Jesus has an intimate relationship with
His churches.
This is the Son of Man who has both the authority to forgive sins
and judge sins. His word is final.
(1) I know (2) your deeds
and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot endure evil men,
and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they
are not, and you found them {to be} false, and you have perseverance
and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary. (3) But
I have {this} against you, that you have left your first love.
1. Assertion of Knowledge
= makes it clear that the Lord is intimately aware of the conduct
of each church.
2. Comment = the Lord explains
his perception of the church at Ephesus. Their hands have been busy
with the work of the kingdom. Their heads are clear about doctrine.
("For my names sake" is a specific reason for persecution
per Jesus instruction in the Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24:9)
3. Criticism = While the
Ephesians had hands and heads committed to the Lord, their hearts
were far from Him.
(1) Remember therefore from
where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first;
or else I am (2) coming to you, and (3) will remove your lampstand out
of its place-- unless you repent. Yet, this you do have, that you hate
the deeds of the (4) Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
1. Exhortation = the Lord
exhorts the Ephesians to repent of their heartless commitment. Notice
that a true heart commitment is evidenced by the quality of the work,
not the works themselves.
2. Coming = this verb does
not refer to the Parousia of Christ, but an immediate visitation of
judgment from Christ. This coming is conditional. If they repent,
He will not come in judgment. This is not the case as it relates to
the Parousia of Christ.
3. Remove your lampstand
= two entities are identified in the Revelation as lampstands: all
the churches in a particular city and the two witnesses of Revelation
11. It is only to the church at Ephesus that the Lord promises to
remove their lampstand if they do not repent. To remove the lampstand
indicates loss of position. As the first church listed because of
its love, they stand to lose position among the churches, a judgment
to be sure in keeping with their position of honor.
4. Nicolaitans = comes
from the combined Greek words nika (he conquers) and loan
(people). The nature and importance of this group will be highlighted
in Revelation 2:14.
(1) He who has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (2) To him who overcomes,
I will grant to eat of the (3) tree of life, which is in the Paradise
of God.
1. Admonition = all seven
churches receive this concluding admonition, which Aune indicates
can have two nuances: (1) what is said has a deeper, hidden meaning
or (2) the hearer must obey what is given. Both nuances are intended.
The inclusion of " the churches" demands a near/far application.
The Lord Jesus is reported to have used a similar statement by Matthew,
Mark and Luke (Mark 4:9, 23; Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 43; Luke 8:8, 14:35).
In each case, the saying is a cue to look deeper into the Lords
words. The "simple sense" is the basic story. The intended
significance is the spiritual truth beneath the basic story.
2. Overcomes = this Greek
verb nikan (from which we get our English word nike
which means to conquer).
Nikan can refer
in a metaphorical sense to either an athletic contest or a military
One can be an overcomer
in two ways in the New Testament: (1) salvific and (2) sanctification.
The difference is one of conditionality. John states in I John 5:4-5,
"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is
the victory that has overcome the worldour faith. Who is the
one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the
Son of God?" This is clearly salvific in nature. Our salvation
is not conditional. 1 John 5:1 indicates that to be born of God, one
must believe. Belief is not mere intellectual assent, but life-transforming
commitment to Jesus Christ. The result is eternal life.
However, the overcomer
in Revelation is vastly different. The overcomer in Revelation is
one who perseveres to the end. He remains faithful under difficult
circumstances. "The overcomer is the individual Christian who
enjoys special benefits in eternity for refusing to give up his faith
in spite of persecution during life on earth." (J.C. Dillow,
The Reign of the Servant Kings, 481) Revelation lists thirteen
rewards for the overcomer:
(1) Authority over nations
(2) Name not erased from Book of Life (3:5)
(3) Inherits the earth (21:7)
(4) New name on a white stone (2:17)
(5) Eat of the hidden manna (2:17)
(6) Pillar in temple (3:12)
(7) Sits on Christs throne (3:21)
(8) Tree of life (2:7)
(9) Not hurt by second death (2:11)
(10) Morning star (2:28)
(11) White Garments (3:5)
(12) Name of God, city, and Christ written on him (3:12)
(13) Name confessed before the Father and His angels (3:5)
The rewards and the warnings
make no sense unless some believers will not receive them because
of their unfaithfulness. Why warn a person about something he cannot
lose? We can debate what is lost, but there is no debate that something
is lost with grave consequences to follow (See I Cor. 3:16 and I John
Those individuals in the
seven churches who are not overcomers are promised:
(1) War with the sword
from the Lords month (2:16)
(2) To be thrown into the great tribulation (2:22)
(3) Children killed with the pestilence (2:23)
(4) To receive according to their deeds (2:23)
(5) Come like a thief (3:3)
(6) Spit out of the Lords mouth (3:16)
(7) Reproof and discipline (3:19)
True believers do not have
to persevere to win salvation, nor must they be faithful to keep it.
Any conditionality automatically removes the issue from a consideration
of salvation to the issue of sanctification and rewards. The overcomer
in Revelation can lose his reward. It is not eternal. To compromise
in the face of physical danger will have severe consequences during
the persecution by the Antichrist and when one stands before the Lord
in judgment.
The apostle Paul states
in 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment
seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds
in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad."
Paul indicates a "pay back" for the "bad" done
in the body. What the "pay back" is for bad deeds is not
indicated, but there is a "pay back."
3. Tree of life = first
stated promise to the overcomers. The tree of life is first
mentioned in Genesis 3:22. This tree stood in the Garden of Eden.
This tree was not forbidden to Adam and Eve. Whether they ate from
it before the fall is not certain. Only after their sin does God forbid
their eating from it. If Adam and Eve had eaten from "the tree
of life," they would have removed the curse of deathimmortality.
That the faithful, who already are immortal, will be able to eat from
this tree indicates that immortality is not the benefit the righteous
will derive from this tree.
"And to the (1) angel
of the church in (2) Smyrna write: (3) The first and the last, who was
dead, and has come to life, says this:
1. Salutation = Angel (supernatural
2. Smyrna = the physically
persecuted church
3. Identification of Christ
as Sender = The first and the last, who was dead, and has come
to life is a fit description of the Lord. It refers to Revelation
1:18. This is a very appropriate description of the Lord for this
church. As the Sovereign of time and One who has experienced death,
the Lords description is an encouragement to the Smyrnaeans.
As the persecuted church, the Symrnaeans may face death, but the Lord
will raise them as He Himself was raised.
(1) 'I know your (2) tribulation
and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who
say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
1. Assertion of Knowledge
= the Sovereign of time knows all things.
2. Comment = tribulation
is used to describe John's situation in Revelation 1:9. It is used
throughout the N.T. to describe the difficulties of believers at the
hand of the wicked.
(1) 'Do not fear what you
are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you
into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten
days. (2) Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of
1. Exhortation = Do
not fear indicates specific events, which the Smyrnaeans were
not to be afraid of. The imprisonment is intended to test them. The
Smyrnaeans also have to look forward to ten days of tribulation.
2. Promise = "Be faithful
until death, and I will give you the crown of life." Physical
death results in eternal resurrected life. James 1:12 indicates that
the "crown of life" is Gods payment for persevering
through suffering.
(1) 'He who has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (2) He who overcomes
shall not be hurt by the second (3) death.'
1. Admonition and Heed
= same as above.
2. Promised Blessing =
the second stated promise of blessing to the overcomer. Shall not
be hurt carries the idea to harm unjustly. For the overcomer,
the second death would be an unjust hurt.
3. The second death
is defined in Revelation 20:14 as the lake of fire. Death in its essence
is a separation. If the lake of fire is the second death and the lake
of fire is the home of the wicked then the second death must be the
spiritual separation of the wicked from the presence of God. The first
death occurred in connection with the sin of Adam. The second
death will occur in connection with the judgment of the second Adam.
Question: why warn believers about something, which is not a possibility?
Stated another way: will unfaithful believers be hurt by the second
death? It makes no sense to warn a person about something that cannot
hurt them unless it really can hurt them. As is the case in other
places, Scripture does not tell us what the exact consequences are
for those who are unfaithful. We are not told how the second death
will effect the unfaithful. The fact that it will have some effect
is warning enough to be faithful.
"And to the angel of
the church in (1) Pergamum write: (2) The One who has the sharp two-edged
sword says this:
1. Pergamum = a church
of compromise
2. Identification of Christ
as Sender = refers back to Revelation 1:16. This "sharp two-edged
sword" comes from the mouth of the Lord. The "sharp two-edged
sword" is an instrument of war as seen in Revelation 2:16 and
19:15, 21. The "sharp two-edged sword" is not literal. The
"sharp two-edged sword" is a figure of speechmetonymy
of cause for effect. The spoken words of the Lord have the same effect
that a "sharp two-edged sword" has. The result is the samephysical
(1) 'I know (2) where you
dwell, where (3) Satan's throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did
not deny My faith, even in the days of (4) Antipas, My witness, My faithful
one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
1. Assertion of Knowledge
= same as above.
2. Comment =
a. You live in a very difficult place.
b. You hold fast My name.
c. You did not deny My faith even in the face of the treat of death.
3. Satans throne
= is mentioned in Revelation 13:2 and 16:10. Throne is used throughout
the New Testament to depict the place of official seat or chair of
state. Matthew 5:34 states, "But I [Jesus] say to you, make no
oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God
Heaven is the official seat or chair of state for God Almighty. Why
Pergamum is chosen as Satans official seat is not indicated.
However, this is where Satan lives.
4. Antipas = the first
martyr mentioned in Revelation.
(1) 'But I have a few things
against you, because you have there some who hold (2) the teaching of
Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the
sons of Israel, (3) to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit
{acts of} immorality. (4) 'Thus you also have some who in the same way
hold (5) the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
1. Criticism = Matthew
5:23 indicates that "to have something against another"
prevents Gods acceptance of ones gifts.
2. The teaching of Balaam
= mentioned also in Jude 11 and 2 Peter 2:15. Both Jude and Peter
indicate that the motive of Balaams actions was money. However,
Revelation 2:14 refers to Balaams activities: (1) to cast a
stumbling block;
3. (2) to eat meat sacrificed
to an idol as an act of worship; and (3)
to commit sexual immorality. After God prevented Balaam from cursing
Israel at Balaks request, Balaam taught Balak the secret to
Israels destructioncompromise. Numbers 25:1-2 states that
Israel played the harlot with the daughters of Moab, along with going
to their sacrificial services, eating and worshiping the Moabite god,
Baal. Because of Israels sin, God instructed Moses to kill the
leaders of the people. Twenty-four thousand individuals died. Thus,
Balak got his wish. He did as Balaam instructed. It is in Numbers
31:16 that we later discover that Balaam taught Balak this strategy.
4. Thus = also = in the
same way = a direct comparison is intended. The teachings of Balaam
are the same as the teachings of the Nicolaitans.
5. The teaching of the
Nicolaitans = unlike the Ephesians who hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans,
some in Pergamum tolerated their teaching. Balaam/Nicolaitans taught
people to compromise with the religious culture around them. This
is the reason God hates the teaching of the Nicolaitans. It specifically
breaks the first commandment of Moses.
(1) 'Repent therefore; or
else I am (2) coming to you quickly, and (3) I will make war against
them with the sword of My mouth.
1. Exhortation = repent
2. Coming to you quickly
= occurs five times in Revelation (2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 12 and 20). Revelation
22:7, 12 and 20 refers to the Lords parousia. Describes how
the Lord will comequickly. Revelation 2:16 and 3:11 refer to
an immediate judgment before the Lords parousia.
3. War
sword of My
mouth = is a metonymy of cause for effect. This is a promise of physical
death if repentance does not occur.
(1) 'He who has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (2) To him who overcomes,
to him I will give {some} of the (3a) hidden manna, and I will give
him a (3b) white stone, and a (3c) new name written on the stone which
no one knows but he who receives it.'
1. Admonition and Heed
= same as above.
2. Promised Blessing =
See nike discussion above.
3. The overcomer will receive
three things:
a. Hidden manna = manna refers to the miraculous feeding of Israel
in the wilderness detailed in Exodus 16:4-36. Manna is identified
as "bread from heaven" in John 6:31-33. The "hidden
manna" refers to Exodus 16:31-33 where a jar of manna was placed
in the ark for the following generations to remember Gods provision
throughout the wilderness wanderings. Unlike the manna of the Israelites
that spoiled after one day, the manna in the ark never spoiled even
after hundreds of years. This figure of speech indicates that the
victorious bond-servants will be given the "manna" that
lasts forever.
b. A white stone = possibly a special vote
c. A new name = as was the habit of the Lord to give his followers
a new name, the overcomers are promised new names. Names, which will
reflect the victory achieved by perseverance in the face of persecution.
As Saul became Paul and Simon became Cephas (Peter), all overcomers
will receive a new name fitting their faithful lifestyle on earth.
(1) "And to the angel
of the church in (2) Thyatira write: (3) The Son of God, who has eyes
like a flame of fire, and His feet are like burnished bronze, says this:
1. Salutation
2. Thyatira = a church
of compromise
3. Identification of Christ
as Sender = the title "The Son of God" occurs 46 times in
the New Testament. It occurs only once in the book of Revelation.
This lone exception is unique. This is the only example of the title
used with a transitive verb. Instead a description, Jesus is speaking
as "The Son of God." What is it about the church at Thyatira
that demands such a unique testimony? It receives the longest message.
It is probably the most difficult to understand and perhaps the most
unimportant of the seven cities. Any doubt about the identity of the
person speaking in Revelation 1:12-16 is dispelled at this point,
particularly in light of the subsequent phrases that repeat Revelation
1:14b and 15a.
(1) 'I know your (2) deeds,
and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your
deeds of late are greater than at first.
1. Assertion of knowledge
= same as above.
2. Comments = the deeds
of the Thyatirans are described by four nouns:
a. Love = mental attitude.
b. Faith = dependability or faithfulness.
c. Service = attending someone for the purpose of performing a task.
d. Perseverance = the correct way to respond to suffering by the overcomer.
(1) 'But I have {this} against you, (2) that you tolerate the woman
Jezebel, (2a) who calls herself a prophetess, and (2b) she teaches and
leads My bond-servants astray, so that they commit {acts of} immorality
and eat things sacrificed to idols. (2c) 'And I gave her time to repent;
and she does not want to repent of her immorality. (3a) 'Behold, I will
cast her upon a bed {of sickness}, and (3b) those who commit adultery
with her into (3c) great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds.
(3d) 'And I will kill her children with pestilence; and (4) all the
churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and
I will give to each one of you according to your deeds.
1. Criticism of the Unfaithful
in Thyratia = but indicates strong contrast with what precedes.
2. The indictment = "You
tolerate the woman Jezebel
" The Lord states that the Thyatirans
"tolerate the woman Jezebel." Revelation 2:24 indicates
that some in Thyatira "do not hold to this teaching." This
suggests that the meaning of "tolerate" in verse 20 is that
some have actually adopted the teachings of this woman. This woman
is the personification of a woman who lived in Israel eight hundred
years earlier. The name Jezebel is picked up from 1 Kings 16:31.
An evil woman who influenced King Ahab of Israel to worship the Canaanite
gods. If not the most wicked, Ahab was certainly among the worst kings
of the ten northern tribes. His wife died the worst death of any person
among the kings of Israeleaten by dogs. She was despicable.
It was in no way a compliment to be called Jezebel. The Lord's choice
of the name suggests the level of hate He has for this woman.
2a. Who calls herself a
prophetess = she has no authorization from God at all. She is self-appointed.
2b. She teaches and leads
my bond-servants astray = what she teaches is not directly stated.
However, the impact of her teachings can be seen in the conduct of
the bond-servants. That the bond-servants are true followers of Christ
can be inferred because "The Son of God" calls them "bond-servants."
She teaches the bond-servants to commit fornication (illicit sexual
activity) and "to eat things sacrificed to idols" as an
act of worship. Paul taught the Corinthians that in and of itself
eating meat sacrificed to an idol was not wrong (1 Cor. 8). However,
to eat as an act of worship is inherently wrong. To eat with the mindset
that the idol is a true god is wrong.
2c. I gave her time to
repent = indicates that this problem had existed for some time. The
Lord requested repentance. How the Lord communicated the need
for change in the life of this woman is not indicated. The meaning
of "to repent" is indicated in the statement, "she
does not want to repent of her immorality." To repent
means to turn away from. This woman flatly refuses to change
her conduct.
3. Threat = the willful
refusal to turn away from cultural compromise results in direct action
from the Lord.
3a. Behold, I will cast
her upon a bed [of sickness] = indicates that this event will happen
in the immediate future. To cast upon a bed is a figure of
speech. The verb ballo is used in the New Testament to refer
to someone sick in bed. Matthew 8:6 and Mark 7:30 support this conclusion.
The Bible is replete with examples of individuals thrown down with
sickness because of sin. What sickness is not indicated, however,
the degree of sickness is parallel to the punishment indicated for
those who follow Jezebels teachings.
3b. And [I will cast] those
who commit adultery with her into great tribulation = indicates a
punishment for those who have joined in with Jezebels cultural
compromise. Adultery can be either literal or figurative. It
should be understood as the literal breaking of the marriage vows.
There is nothing in the text to indicate that married individuals
were not participating in Jezebels activities. Just as they
were physically eating meat offered to idols, they were engaging in
illicit sexual activity. The penalty for this conduct is "great
3c. Great tribulation =
is used again in Revelation 7:14 with the definite article. Matthew
24:21 records the Lords prediction of a future time of "great
tribulation." In Matthew 24, the Lord indicates that He will
return after a "great tribulation." Revelation 2:22 indicates
that unfaithful bond-servants will be cast into a "great tribulation."
Revelation 7:14 posits that an incalculable host suddenly appears
in heaven who come out from the midst of "the great tribulation."
That members of the
church at Thyatira will be cast into "a great tribulation"
demands the presence of the church of Thyatira on earth during "a
great tribulation." This effectively places this punishment outside
the eschatological "great tribulation" connected with Daniels
Seventieth Week. However, the fact that unfaithful members of the
church at Thyatira could suffer "a great tribulation" certainly
leaves room for the church to suffer "the great tribulation."
3d. And I will kill her
children with pestilence = a case can be made for either physical
or spiritual children. The outcome is the samedeath. Pestilence
is spoken of as the method of judgment. This event is specifically
indicated to be authorized by the Lamb who is "The Son of God."
4. All the churches will
know = this indicates that all churches will be aware of what is going
to happen to each other. Each church is promised to be dealt with
according to their deeds. Thus, every church will be able to determine
the nature of every other churchs obedience or disobedience.
A church will either be persecuted for righteousness (Smyrna), protected
for faithfulness (Philadelphia), or killed for compromise (Sardis,
Laodicea, Thyatira, Ephesus or Pergamun).
'But I say to you, (1) the
rest who are in Thyatira, (2) who do not hold this teaching, who have
not known the deep things of Satan, (3) as they call them--I place no
other burden on you.
1. Commendation of the
Faithful = "the rest who are in Thyatira," this is one of
the places in Revelation 2-3 where the angel of the church is no longer
addressed, but a specific group within the church receive direct address.
These are clearly individuals who have nothing to do with Jezebel.
2. Who do not hold this
teaching = this group has completely stayed away form this teaching.
3. The deep things of Satan,
as they call them = taken at face value means that Jezebel and her
children had association with Satan personally. The church at Smyrna
faced a "synagogue of Satan," the church at Pergamum lived
"where Satans throne is," and the church at Thyatira
fought against "the deep things of Satan." The level of
satanic involvement in the church should not be underestimated.
(1) 'Nevertheless what you
have, hold fast (2) until I come.
1. Exhortation = while
the Lord does not want to add another burden to his faithful bond-servants
in Thyatira, they must "hold fast." The issue is urgency.
Be all the more tenacious to not yield to the compromise that surrounds
them, is the sense here.
2. Until I come = is a
clear reference to the last days, since Christ hadnt come by
the time Revelation was written, generally accepted to be approximately
AD 90-95. (Revelation 2:5; 2:10; 2:16-17; here; 3:3 and 3:11) This
represents the far application of Revelation 2-3.
(1) 'And he who overcomes,
and (2) he who keeps My deeds until the end, (2a) to him I will give
authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron,
as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received
{authority} from My Father; (2b) and I will give him the morning star.
'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'
1. Promise = unlike previously
stated, here the overcomer is clearly defined.
2. He who keeps My deeds
until the end = defines the overcomer. One does not normally speak
of "keeping" or "obeying" deeds or works.
Tareo can mean to obey, but it also can mean to guard,
which is the better sense here. He who guards My works is the
literal sense of the phrase. The particular works of Christ are those
which establish and maintain local churches. Until the end
refers to the parousia of Christ, which is mentioned in verse 25.
2a. I will give authority
over the nations = is the first reward given to those who guard the
works of the Lord (the overcomer). This phrase and the subsequent
ideas are modeled after Psalm 2:8-9. Christ is giving His authority
to His bond-servants who are overcomers over the nations. The nations
(tov ethnon) should be translated "the Gentiles." The overcomers
will rule (exercise the Lords sovereignty) over the Gentile
nations. Jesus promised the apostles rulership over the twelve tribes
of Israel," (Matt. 19:28). King David is promised a resurrection
from the dead to rule over Israel and Judah, (Jeremiah 30:9).
2b. I will give him the
morning star = since there is only one morning star, but all
overcomers are promised it, we know this is a figure of speech. The
Lords point here is this: He will grant great honor.
Section: Chapter Three - The Seven Churches, Part 2